Sunday, February 3, 2019

Ethan: staying at Venezia

Dear who ever reads this
In Venezia we stayed their for 2 in a half days too!
I want to live there for ever! 
Their is a kind of ice cream and it was called Puffo and I did not really like it very much though.
There was a flood there this mourning too!       


  1. So cool E. Todd wants me to ask you if you knew that Venice is sinking.

  2. Hi Ethan! I want to live in Venice too. Tell your mom and dad to get a vacation home so we can all stay there together. Also, Venice is no longer sinking. That subsidence stopped a decade or so the oceans are rising! Tyler

  3. Thank you for sharing these pictures of Venezia! It is such a neat place. I'm glad you got to visit there!
