Monday, June 26, 2023

We're Going to Italy (Again)!

 It's June 26, and we are almost all packed up to leave on our return trip to Italy and Padova. Originally we wanted to return sooner, but the Coronavirus and illness backed up our trip until now. 

We are very excited about our itinerary. We fly into Rome from Chicago, and will stay there for two days to show the boys the sights. We have appointments for the Colosseum (which I spelled correctly on the first try), Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. We will take a train from Rome to Padova and stay there for about ten days. There are some friends we'd like to visit from our time there, and we will day trip to Bologna, Venice, and the Colli Euganei (hills) near Padova. At the end of the trip we will rent a car to take us to the Dolomites and be staying in a hut in the mountains, doing some hiking. We will take the train back to Rome and fly home through Detroit. The boys and I will get off the plane there, and Dave will continue to Chicago to pick up the dog and the car.

My biggest worry is sleep and adjusting to the time change. My sleep is quite iffy on a regular basis right now, so hopefully I'll be able to adjust quickly. 

I am hoping to blog during this adventure. There are some unfinished posts from our last trip, and I'd like to get some good entries in for this trip. Fingers crossed I can persevere and get the boys to do some blogging while we are on the trip as well. 

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