Monday, July 3, 2023

From 2019: The End of an Era

I'm going back to work.

It's about time. We definitely have spent a good amount of money, and it's time that I bring home a real paycheck.

I did work this summer, but I brought the boys with me.

I'm so grateful.

To Aunt Ruth, for the funds that paid for our plane tickets.
To the boys, for being brave and having a good attitude about our adventures.
To Dave, for organizing so much and being our go-to Italian helper.

I was a bit teary tonight at dinner, telling the boys how much I've enjoyed my time with them. When Ben reminded me that they would also be going to school, I reminded him that yes, but in the spring I was able to walk them to and from school. That will not happen again, and man, do I treasure those days.

While I've been grateful every day of this experience and really tried to appreciate it in the moment, I have one regret that goes along with that. I wish I had blogged more. I had really hoped to have an account of what life was like as an expat family, and I just didn't get the day-to-day recorded as I'd hoped. As I start to see my colleagues again, who knew just how excited I was for this adventure, the stories are popping up and coming to mind. Tonight I'm motivated to write. So hopefully I'm not completely done writing, and I can use this trip to share my experiences with others, as I'd hoped.

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